16 day campaign against domestic abuse continues

The White Ribbon Campaign hopes to end violence against women.
The White Ribbon Campaign hopes to end violence against women.

As part of the White Ribbon Campaign’s continuing 16 Days of Action, Lincolnshire County Council have revealed that the rates of domestic abuse in homosexual relationships is as high as that of heterosexual relationships, sitting at one in four.

Also, the County Council have embarked on a social media campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and violence alongside other Lincolnshire authorities, namely the police and Boston United, by using the hashtag #togetherwecanstopit .

The White Ribbon campaign is aimed at encouraging men to promote and promise they will never “commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women”.

The County Council also has a wealth of information about domestic abuse and violence on their website, as well as helplines and advice services for those suffering or are concerned about others.

For more information and advice on domestic abuse, visit: http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/news/multiple-lincolnshire-agencies-team-up-for-domestic-abuse-16-days-of-action/128034.article


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