Charity shop helps youth of Lincoln

Charity Shop helps youth of Lincoln

Vital opens up on the high street

A charity shop with a twist has opened on the high street near the market place. The shop, Vital, is a self acclaimed boutique aiming at a younger clientele.

The shop is run by the charity organisation Young Potential (, who provide funding and support to underprivileged children and young adults.


The store wants to be different from the usual charity shops in Lincoln, a lot of the clothes have been donated from the children and young adults the charity are helping, fifty percent of the sale will then go back to them.


The charity originally started in Nottingham and since spreading to Lincoln, which means funding has been spread thin.

The manager of the store, Mark Mullany said this;


“We’re currently waiting for funding to bring some of the many schemes we have in Nottingham over to here. Some of which focus on the social side, like bringing round the clock counsellors who can talk to the kids whenever they feel they are needed, also for events like parties and trips to nice places.”


The charity has helped some people to go on and find jobs, and even on to a University course to obtain a degree in Nottingham and is hoping to do the same in Lincoln.

Mark Mullany describes how the charity is helping people in Lincoln: [audio: ]


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