New Sport Activity Finder for Lincolnshire

Screenshot of the web app in use.
Lincolnshire Sports’ activity finder encourages more people to get involved in sport. Photo: Lincolnshire Sport and TJS.

Lincolnshire Sport have launched a new activity finder to help people search for sports in their area.

The tool has been developed in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council, and is an online feature as well as a mobile web app.

It was launched on Monday, January 19 and already has over 400 activities that users can search for and attend.

Activities range from rock climbing to aerobics, and are rated beginner, intermediate and advanced to give users information about the level the sports target.

Anyone in the county who runs a sport activity can register on the site and upload their activity for free to promote their sessions and encourage more people to get involved in sport.

The activity finder can be found at

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