Revenge porn: “Stop and think”

Credit: Ian Higgins. Flickr.

Within the next year, it is widely expected the publication of ‘revenge porn’ could carry up to a 20 year prison sentence.

But what is revenge porn, and what is it like for the victims?

Laura Higgins is from the UK Safer Internet Centre, and she defines it as the “sharing of personal images without consent, to cause embarrassment, harassment or distress to victims”.

Before now, the only way to take such images down from the internet was to make a copyright claim. But as these laws come into place, it will be easier for victims and authorities to take action.

“We need to try to change attitudes to say, this will be against the law. Stop and think before you even consider doing it.”

These views are similarly echoed by victims, one of which warned that “if there’s any risk involved, then there’s probably no point.”

Whilst Scotland have no plans at present to deal with the issue, but those found guilty in England and Wales could face a prison sentence of up to two years.

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