Celebration of cycling in Lincoln tonight

Cycling is on the agenda this evening, Photo: Tim Moreillon

Access LN6, a initiative set up by Lincolnshire County Council, is hosting a celebration of cycling event tonight at the Showroom in Lincoln.

The programme cost the council £6.5 million and aims to improve sustainable transport links to people in the Lincoln area.

Visitors to the event will be entitled to free bike maintenance and HGV cycle awareness as well as the chance to meet an Olympic cycling medallist.

Bryan Steel was a Olympic medallist at both the 2000 and 2004 games and thinks these events are vital to the city of Lincoln.

He said: “Events like these encourage people to get fit and healthy and help promote the effects of cycling.

“Lincoln is a great hub for cycling with its numerous cycle paths and the annual Grand Prix so I think we should see a great turnout.”

Mr. Steel was quick to praise the work of Access LN6 which has been running for two years now and intends to continues his assocaition with the project.

“Cycling is part of the long term infrastructure in Lincoln and it’s vital that Access LN6 keep up their work and maintain the strong boom that has occurred in the sport over recent years.”

Admission is free to the event which starts at 4.30pm at the Showroom on Tritton Road and visitors will be entitled to free immotibags from Lincolnshire Police as it intends to improve cycle security.

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