Get funny to raise money for Comic Relief

Friday the 13th may be unlucky for some but today is most definitely not unlucky if you are doing something funny for money, its Red Nose Day!

Comic Relief raises millions of pounds every year to help charities in the UK and Africa. They raise money through two big events; Red Nose Day and Sport Relief.

Comic Relief aims to tackle root causes of poverty and social injustice in the UK and all over the world.


The Bridge Community Venue in Lincoln is just one of the charities that benefit from Red Nose Day. The venue have recently recieved the seal of approval from Comic Relief in the form of a plaque.

Zeo Homfray-Cooper is the manager at the Venue and says that it’s a big honour to be recognised for the work that the charity does.

‘We are so thrilled that they looked upon us favourably and we’ve been able to extend the work here at the Bridge.’

Zoe Homfray-Cooper and some of the volunteers at the Bridge Community Venue


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