Parental guidance warnings on explicit cards

Some card stores are putting a PG warning on offensive cards. Is this too far? Photo: Emily Jackson

Card shops across the UK have recently made the decision to put parental guidance warnings on their offensive cards.

This has come in to place following the removal of some rude Valentine’s Day cards from popular chain Paperchase.

Paperchase and Scribbler are among some of the chains who have taken on this parental guidance initiative.

Staff members in the card shops have been placing seemingly rude cards on high shelves, above the average child’s height, in order to prevent children from seeing them. However, some parents of young children are still concerned by the explicit greetings.

Cards which feature swearing and overall mockery have caused offence to many shoppers in Lincoln. Whereas others found the cards extremely funny.

Would you be offended if you received a card containing swearing?

Despite the prevention steps taken by staff, children would still see the cards if they were bought for their parents.

We spoke to Lincoln shoppers about offensive greeting cards, you can see what they had to say by clicking the play button below.

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