Warnings over gas appliances

Photo of a lit, gas hob.
Thomas (@ARRGch)

Almost 1 in 7 homes in the East Midlands that are privately let, are thought to have unsafe gas work.

The Gas Safety Authority have warned people who currently live in a privately rented home in the area that they may be at risk.

Landlords have a legal duty to protect their tenants from any unsafe gas works or appliances, under the Gas Safety Regulations 1998. This legal requirement helps to ensure that all flues and appliances are in good condition.

The authority inspected over 4,000 homes in the East Midlands. Of those that were being privately rented out, 15% were unsafe.

Faulty gas appliances could lead to gas fires, leaks, explosions or CO poisoning. Figures such as these suggest that around 42,000 properties of this sort could be in danger.

Landlords should check safety surrounding gas works annually and carry out any repair work when necessary. Failure to follow these guidelines could lead to fines, or imprisonment.

For an annual reminder when your property is due to be checked, sign up to the Gas Safe Register’s reminder service.

Mathew Shaw has more on this story.

[Audio: https://ia601002.us.archive.org/33/items/GASSHAWPKG221113/GAS_SHAW_PKG_221113.wav]

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