Lincoln Cathedral costs rise

In the year two thousand Lincoln Cathedral operated on a budget of two million pounds a year.

Lincoln Cathedral
photo by Philip Wilson-Smith

Now, fifteen years later the Cathedral has to see off an infestation of Death Watch Beetles, gas mains replacements and its own team of stone masons who work throughout the year to maintain it: all of which are driving up the price of keeping the Cathedral running.

Increasing costs and a number of urgent repairs has also meant the cost of the Cathedral has rocketed to three million pounds a year. Half of this fund is paid for through charitable donations to the Cathedral.

Jennie Bowmar of Lincoln tourist information said that “these things have to take place and because its conservation it isn’t something that can be done overnight. I think people understand and appreciate that.”

English Heritage predicts that a further sixteen million pounds will be spent on the Cathedral over the next ten years. It is hoped that this investment will keep the thousands of visitors coming to the Cathedral every year.

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