Lincoln’s music scene has taken a massive blow from COVID restrictions. Gigs and venues have been shut across the country, and concertgoers have been forced to find other ways to get a musical fix.

2Q is Lincoln’s biggest live music festival and is hosted by various venues across the city.
2019 saw 2Q present its biggest line-up yet, which included indie rock band The Twang as well as a collection of Lincoln-based acts.
This year, the 2Q festival is among one of many events that have been cancelled due to social distancing regulations.
Musicians are coping with the restrictions by hosting online livestreams or performing at socially distanced concerts.
George Shelley, a local singer/songwriter, performed at the Jolly Brewer on October 25 and discussed his experiences with post-COVID gigs.
“I’ve found the gigs really fun and they’ve had such an electric atmosphere, which at first I didn’t expect to receive. They feel a lot different, as the crowd is spread out across tables instead of packed in front of you.
“You could tell people had been listening to a lot of music in their time away as the crowd knew the words to my songs, which was just crazy to see.”
Some artists have been using online livestreams to provide content for fans in place of live concerts.
Dale Thomas, a singer/songwriter based in Lincoln, performed online via a livestream.
“I was able to make it interactive for fans as they sent in requests and commented. They could also tune in from all over the world, which is unheard of at a live gig.
“However, it definitely wasn’t anything like the real thing. The adrenaline and just the overall vibe is something that can never be replaced.”