For many amateur productions across Lincolnshire, panto season has only just arrived. However, don’t be expecting the likes of Christopher Biggins or Cannon and Ball to be popping up. These pantomimes are performed by locals for much smaller audiences.
Students from the three secondary schools in Sleaford will be performing The Grinch: The Panto tomorrow and Friday at Carres Grammar School. They have described it as amusical version of the Dr Seuss story.
The Leadenham Players will perform their annual pantomime this weekend (Fri and Sat). ‘A Peep at the Billy Goats Gruff’ will be performed at the village hall in Leadenham.
Peter Pan will be at the New Youth Theatre in Grantham from Monday to Wednesday next week.
For the chance to see theatre not blighted by celebrity go to see an amateur pantomime before it’s behind you!