Reports that the Government has been rolling out more advanced speed cameras dubbed “yellow vultures” has been posted over social media by local and national news organisations in recent months.
However, according to Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, these claims are incorrect. Communications Manager, John Siddle: “Yellow vulture cameras just don’t exist, the pictures you seen in the media are just new infrared lamps to make the pictures they take clearer at night without dazzling drivers.

“They are the same average speed cameras that have been used for years, just many of them have been upgraded to digital with better lenses.”
Circling around social media are alleged claims these new high powered cameras are, spying on you, able to see into the cab of your car and are checking whether you are eating, smoking, on your phone and wearing a seat belt.
John Siddle said: “Yes they can see into your car because but that is not what they are designed for.”
Eating and smoking in your car in the UK is not illegal, unless it is interfering you’re driving and causing you to drive dangerously.
Alongside the tale of the vultures it had been said that police are set to be much less lenient on drivers and will issue tickets for being even 1mph over the speed limit.

Tarot Swift, who lives in Lincolnshire has said: “Speed cameras just encourage people to go too slow to the point that it’s dangerous.”
This claim was due to the improvements in enforcement technology making the readings of the cameras more accurate.
While it is true the camera have become more advanced, John Siddle called the claim about lowering the speed discretionary zone “nonsense”.
He added: “While the offence takes place at one mph over the limit, action will not be taken until you are 10% plus 2mph over the set limit.
“We want drivers looking at the road not and their speedometers.”