County dog owners opposite to UK trend

‘A dog is for life, not just for Christmas’, which is a message that seems to be getting through to dog owners in Lincolnshire.

When the Christmas novelty of a new puppy wears off, mid-February is when most rescue centres across the UK notice an influx of dogs wanting to be re-homed.

Photo: Digital Wallpapers via Flickr

Dog rescue centres in neighbouring county Leicestershire notice a significant increase in the amount of dogs abandoned or brought in to them in mid February. Keely Short from Leicester Animal Aid Association, said that around 30 dogs are brought in at this time of year.  

But this is not the case in Lincolnshire. LSJ News’ Lauren Lewis spoke to Denise Oldershaw, branch manager of the Lincoln and East Lincolnshire RSPCA, who said that the county has never noticed a post-Christmas increase in the number of abandoned dogs.

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