Home-schooling: A day in the life

Schools across Lincolnshire shut their doors for most children on Friday, with the exception of children of key workers in the fight on Coronavirus.

Most schools sent home learning packs including worksheets, reading books and links to online resources to attempt to keep the children engaged. My child’s school, Ayscoughfee Hall in Spalding is attempting to do some online lessons via Zoom in the coming days.

The reception teacher, Emily Patman said: “Sunshine really is the best medicine. Get outside in your gardens while we have this lovely weather and perhaps do a bug hunt, emailing me any photographs.”

I am juggling two children with my own online university lessons whilst attempting to create a calm space for my husband’s regular Microsoft Teams meetings. Though I am aware I am lucky to be safely at home with my family.

Our relaxed approach to home learning is in the video, taking the advice of the teacher and getting outdoors as much as possible.


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