International Men’s Day

International Men’s Day is upon us once again. Though perhaps too new to be a tradition; today does provides an opportunity for men’s organizations to highlight men’s issues and achievements.

Started in just 1999, the date is already recognised by a long list of countries and is endorsed by the United Nations. The aim is not to claim that men necessarily have it worse, just to ensure they are not undervalued in this ‘women and children first’ world.

Duncan Boreham, from The Samaritans in Lincoln, believes that men “find it much more difficult to talk about things which actually impinge upon their own personal well-being and emotional health”. Duncan’s views and concerns, and more about International Men’s Day can be heard below.

If you need someone to talk to then the Samaritans in Lincoln can be contacted anonymously (24 hours a day – 365 days a year) on 01522 528282 or 08457 909090, both numbers are charged at local rate. Additionally links to their website, and to that of the International Men’s Day organisers, can be found below:

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