The key to solving this prickly predicament?

Volunteers will team up to give the hedgehogs a safer place to live as the University of Lincoln goes hog friendly on November 1.

This is part of the Hedgehog Friendly Campus initiative scheme where university campus’ are turned into safer areas for the animals to live in. This includes things like a voluntary litter pick around the campus from 2 until 3, putting dishes of water around for hedgehogs to drink from and making little holes allowing them to get around easier.

The amount of hedgehogs in Great Britain has decreased by 30 per cent since 2013, the aim of the scheme is to increase the number of hedgehogs in the wild by getting universities on board. They seen as great places to launch the idea as they often have a lot of land with limited roads Making them a safe space for hedgehogs to live.

Along with the litter pick, there will also be a bake sale in aid of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society from 11 until stocks run out and a guest talk from Jo Wilkinson, the founder of the campaign.

Amy Ockelford from the RSPCA said: “we encourage people to make small holes so hedgehogs can get around, it sounds like a lovely idea.”


Watch this film that our reporter Lewis Foster produced to find out more about why British hedgehogs are in decline



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