University gender pay gap

Gender pay gap:image:Mike Licht
Gender pay gap:image:Mike Licht

A report has criticised The University of Lincoln on women’s pay.

The arrival of international women’s day has highlighted the University of Lincoln as the 7th worst for having a gender pay gap compared to 154 universities throughout the country.

Female professors were paid £7,686 less than their male colleagues, after the ‘Holding down women’s pay” report by the University and College Union (UCU).

Sally Hunt, general secretary for the UCU described the pay gap at universities as ‘shameful’ and went on to say: “It’s nearly 50 years since the Equal Pay Act…today on international women’s day we would like to see a firm commitment from sector leaders to close the gap”.

The day aims to raise awareness, and to help close the gender gap in terms of the workplace, The UK ranked 26th in the world in 2014 for the gender gap and International Women’s Day says the gap won’t close entirely until 2133.

After contacting the University of Lincoln about the gender pay gap amongst it’s professors, a spokesman said: “The university actively monitors equal pay across the work force…we continually look to promote as part of career pathways and have various schemes in place to support the advancement of female academic staff  as part of our commitment to the Athena SWAN principles”.

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