Vaping: healthy alternative or secret danger?

A professor at the University of Lincoln has told LSJ Weekly that health officials need to take better responsibility when providing information to the public about vaping.

Vaping, an alternative to smoking cigarettes, gained popularity in the early 2000s and was originally branded as a “healthier alternative to smoking”. Around 7.2 million people in the UK said that they smoke, according to a survey from the ONS in 2018. This shows a 5% decrease since 2011, likely due to the amount of people taking up vaping instead of smoking cigarettes. There are over 3 million people in the UK that vape.

Dr Keivan Ahmadi, an associate professor for the University of Lincoln Medical School, has undertaken research into the effects of vaping and says that information that is provided to the public is not always consistent.

Find out more on the LSJ Weekly bulletin, published yesterday on our website.


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