Volunteers keeping party-goers hydrated on nights

While most students are out getting partying there is a group of volunteers, out in the early hours, trying to make sure they stay safe.

Every other Wednesday a group of volunteers from the Christian Union stand outside the student union club handing out water to people who have had a bit too much to drink.

Among those volunteers is Richard Carr, 19, a member of the Christian Union who is giving up his time to hand out water, trying to make sure people have a safer journey home.

Richard said: “it’s a way of us giving back to the community, it’s a way to allow people who are having a good time to make sure that they just have a little bit more responsibility.”

Richard also spoke about what he deals with when volunteering saying: “certain people obviously have had a little bit too much to drink so they could get a little bit aggravated sometimes we can deal with some potential issues.”

Terrell Alegru, 21, the President of the Christian Union said that people find the volunteering very helpful as people feel unwell, physically and emotionally and the Christian Union provides support for this.

Terrell said: “when we give them water some people stick around if they’re feeling sad so we talk to them and make sure that they get home alright.

“It helps the community because it’s an act of kindness. I don’t think of it as having personal gain it’s just something that everyone should be doing for each other where we help each other out.”

Richard and other members of the Christian Union will be outside the Student Union club this Wednesday doing their bit for the community, stocked up with plenty of water for anyone who needs it.

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