What price would you pay for New Year fitness?

Photo courtesy of Ivy Wood Avenue

Gym memberships can often be expensive and can often put people off joining. Some are unwilling to pay certain prices to sign up for a place they may not attend on a regular bases.

In Lincoln there are a variety of gyms and plans on offer to cater to everybody’s needs and wishes, with each place offering different prices allowing clients to find the one that best suits them.

Pay-as-you-go gyms mean that there is no commitment when signing up. You pay as and when you can go, saving money by not buying a membership you hardly use.

This type of facility is becoming very popular especially with those who cannot commit to going week in week out and can only attend every so often.

Pay-as-you-go gyms start from around as little as £3 across Lincoln.

However, some people find this option de-motivating as there is no commitment forcing them to go.

For regular gym goers’ who wish to attend regularly, monthly plans are available in various centres across the city. Starting at an average of £8 prices go as high as £20, plus joining fees, a price some are unwilling to pay.

With the most popular New Year’s resolution to be to lose weight and exercise more, gyms across the country see a rise in memberships, with people ignoring the prices and signing up in a hope to achieve their New Years’ goal.

These improved health and fitness resolutions leads to an 18% increase in memberships at the beginning of January.

By the end of the month however the story is different as memberships decline, with prices and lack of motivation causing people to cancel their subscription.

One local gym said they could see a significant difference in the number of people attending at the end of the month compared to the beginning, with people’s regular visits decreasing each week.

Despite this trend, Heidi Coulthard is committed to keeping her New Year’s resolution to improve her fitness lifestyle and train hard in the gym in preparation the Edinburgh Marathon in May.

Heidi said: “I joined the gym to try and improve my well-being and to try and be more active.

“I wanted to try something different so when I signed up to the do the marathon I knew training would be hard and take a lot of dedication.

“I was scared to join the gym at first and worried about prices, however the local gyms offered a variety of plans that weren’t too expensive and fitted in around my timetable.”

By the middle of the year those who have joined the gym are expected to have cancelled their membership, making local gyms quieter and more accessible for those who wish to train there.

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