Lincolnshire Police have highlighted the University of Lincoln bike racks, Brayford Pool and lower end of the High Street as places to be more cautious around as they are deemed major crime hot spots.
Thefts such as these are keeping a lot of hobbyists and cycling newcomers away from taking up the sport, many people in Lincoln scared to invest money into something which could be taken away in an instant.
James Swindell, Assistant Manager at the Giant Station Store and Lincoln Cycle Hub leader spoke about how bike thefts have affected the sport but also how people can take measures to avoid becoming a victim themselves.
“Recent rising thefts are a major deterrent to the sport as people are avoiding investing into a bike, but as long as you make it as awkward as possible for the thief to steal then I think you should be able to buy whatever bike you want.”
“I think if you’re willing to spend a lot of money on a bike then you should be willing to spend a lot of money to protect it. There is no point having a two grand bike with a £2 lock.”
John Fielding, Club Secretary of the Lincoln Wheelers Cycling Club also spoke how hard it was for the police to tackle thefts, adding that it was up to owners to secure their machines.
When asked if Lincolnshire Police are doing enough to prevent thefts Fielding said, “It is very difficult to stop thefts as bikes are hard to identify and there is such a vast market for after sales for the theft. The best way is to have secure bike parks like the one near the train station.”

“I think it really affects cycling as a sport but also more society as a whole. It certainly makes you more vigilant and think about where you leave a bike. A lot of our members have bikes worth thousands of pounds.”
When planning to take up cycling it is important to register your bike with databases such as BikeRegister or Lincolnshire Police have also made a top 10 tips list on how to protect your bike.