Lincolnshire Police are introducing fitness mentors to help boost wellbeing within the force.
The mentors will be volunteers already working in the force. They will provide support and advice on how to get fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
As part of the role, they will work towards a level 3 certificate in personal training, delivered by YMCA Lincolnshire.
Trevor Mealing, YMCA Training Manager, said: “I think by having someone on their doorstep who they know, they trust and can turn to, being a fellow serving police officer, will give the individual an opportunity to access high quality information and help them with the change they’re looking to make.”
The scheme also aims to increase the pass rate for the job related fitness test and hopefully reduce sickness levels.
The project has been developed in partnership with the University of Lincoln. Active Lincolnshire also helped Lincolnshire Police with areas of wellbeing and the fitness mentor scheme.
Chief Constable, Bill Skelly said: “Wellbeing has always been high on my agenda and so I am delighted to be taking this to the next level with the introduction of fitness mentors. It’s not just about our people; it’s about the service we deliver.”