Plans for the University of Lincoln’s masterplan and Network Rail’s Brayford level crossing footbridge will go before the council’s Planning Committee next week.

On Wednesday, March 27th, 2013, the council will decide whether to go ahead with the plans.
The revamped university campus will feature new units including student accommodation, academic buildings, offices (both university and commercial), restaurants and retail buildings, plus car parking and the potential for a hotel.
While the “curved decked area” which is to be added to the south-east corner of the Brayford Pool will the entrance bridge to the university, and also stop swans lingering on the walkway.
A Brayford Trust spokesperson said: “We believe that better connection of the different areas around the Pool would help make central Lincoln a better place to walk and cycle through and in which to live, work and study.
“Brayford Pool is a fundamental part of historic Lincoln, both as a destination and as a connection between the city centre and the adjacent areas of Boutham and Carholme.”
The committee meeting will start at 5:30pm at City Hall on Wednesday, March 27th, 2013.